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Feeding and Clothing the Children of Indian Land Schools


We at the Indian Land Firearms Academy are invested in the Indian Land area and we give back to the community through a program that helps feed children in the Indian Land Middle School, who don’t have lunch money.  We insure that every child has the funds to eat a hot lunch every day.  We also provide assistance for children who don’t have the funds to eat breakfast at the middle school.  Last year, we provided $ 400.00 and obtained sponsorship from Wendy’s who funded an additional $ 500.00 for this informal program.  In the past year several other individuals have also become partners and contributed.  In the fall of 2014 we continued to fund the lunch program, and we are looking at expanding the program to include other needs for the students, such as winter coats, shoes, and other items of clothing, along with other needs.  We are currently in search of partners to help build this program, so that we work toward having every student in Indian Land Middle School have everything they need to succeed in school this year. We fund this program with proceeds from our firearms training classes and also the sale of the Pocket Constitution’s.  We buy the Constitution’s for $.35 and sell them for $1.00.  We give Constitution’s to children so they can learn about US History and have a knowledge of the rules that were established in the beginning of the United States.  





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